Thursday, November 30, 2017

Prayer: Your love for me is deep

Lord, you are a loving God. Your love for me is deep. Your love holds strong even as I struggle for truth, gamble on other paths, and ready myself to give in to temptation. I invite you to walk with me on my journey. Help me to see beyond the flashy, the smooth pitch, and the quick fix. Help me today to keep my eyes focused on Jesus, who knew temptation, disappointment, and pain. In the midst of temptation, he remained faithful to his heavenly Father. Help me to remember that you, Father, are always working for my good. Hold me in your grace, tender God, and help me to move beyond myself so that I can live and serve, as did Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Prayer: Too often I live in the shadows

Lord, you are light and truth. Yet, I confess that too often I live my life in the shadow of darkness.
  • I pray that your love and light would shine on all those who suffer, giving hope to those whose lives war, persecution, and slavery have obscured. Help them to know the power of your life-giving light.
  • Guide all the leaders of this world to govern with compassion and justice.
  • I pray for all whom stress and fear weigh them down. They attempt to muddle through their days relying on themselves instead of you. Turn their faces toward you, so that in their times of difficulty you are the beacon that guides them.
  • Shine your healing light on those who suffer the darkness and loneliness of depression. Vanquish the demons that wreak havoc in their lives and restore them to wholeness.
  • Bring healing to those who live under a cloud of pain and suffering, flooding their pain with the warmth of your light.
  • Comfort those who walk in the valley of the shadow of death, that whatever the number of their days, you will bathe them in your glow.
  • Fill me with your Spirit so that all who encounter me se the light of your love shining in my face. 
I pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world. Amen.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Prayer: Give me a steadfast heart

Lord, give me a steadfast heart so that an unworthy thought will not drag me downward. Give me an unconquered heart that no difficulty or suffering can sear out. Give me an upright heart that an unworthy purpose may not tempt me to turn aside. Bestow upon me also an understanding to know you, diligence to seek you, wisdom to find you, and a faithfulness that may finally embrace you. I pray these things through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.[1]

[1] -Inspired by Thomas Aquinas.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Prayer: You have given me faithful framework

Read Exodus 20:1-20 and the Ten Commandments

Lord, you have given me a faithful framework to live a faithful and godly life. Yet, I fail to keep your commandments. I do not always put you first. I often worship any number of other gods and idols. I get so busy, I forget that you command me to rest and renew myself. I do not always tell the truth. I do not honor those in authority, especially those close to me. I have impure thoughts. I often covet what someone else has. Forgive me for not keeping your commandments, whether in thought or deed. Place your commandments in my heart, so that I might follow you faithfully. Amen.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Prayer: Thank you for the gift of free will

Lord, you are gracious and loving. One of the greatest gifts you have given me is the gift of free will. You have not forced yourself upon me. You have allowed me to choose whether I will surrender to you and follow Jesus. I know that this choice is a daily one. Will I today choose my own desires or your desires? Will I run after worldly pleasure, or the true joy of knowing Christ? Give me a heart that wants to choose you and desire your leading above all else. I am so thankful that you have called me to follow you, and today I choose to obey. I find my freedom in choosing you. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Prayer: Lord, I bring my broken, sinful, and weak self

Lord, I bring myself before you, just as I am. I am broken, sinful, and weak. I confess that I am fickle. I say one thing and do another. Forgive me, for I have sinned. I say that I want to follow you, but I turn around and walk the other way. I say that I love you, and yet, I do not love my brothers and sisters. For these reasons, and many more I could name, I find myself amazed at your grace, compassion, and slowness to anger. I humbly thank you. I know that you are here, ready to hear my prayer of confession and to help me to turn from my sinfulness. You have forgiven me repeatedly. Thank you for not treating me as my sins deserve. For the divine qualities of love and forgiveness, I worship you today. Amen.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Prayer: You are gracious to hear me today

Lord, you are gracious to hear me today. I am in need of your grace and forgiveness, today and every day. Your graciousness allows me to be honest in prayer. You offer manna in the desert (Exodus 15). You nourish a hungry crowd with loaves and fishes (Matthew 14). Yet, I find it difficult to trust your abundance. I hoard what I have because it makes me feel secure. I keep score within my relationships by keeping tallies of my good works and the shortcomings of others. I follow Jesus, but only to a point. The gospel confronts me and challenges my complacency, and my response is to make excuses. Forgive me, gracious Lord. Help me to trust a divine grace that defies logic. Help me to live in the extravagance of your love and boundless mercy. Give me the will to live all of my life in service to you, my strength and redeemer. Amen.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Prayer: Give me the grace to see the world as you see it

Lord, give me the grace, even if only for a little while during corporate or private worship, to catch a glimpse of the world as you see it. In my judgments, help me to measure others and myself as you judge me. In my condemnations of others and myself, make me to love the things that you love and to loathe the things that you despise. Give me that vision that is able to see your presence in the little things of life, to wonder at the sacred worth of those people whom the world considers lowly and worthless. Help me, even for just a little while in my private and public worship, to think as you think, to see as you see, and to judge as you judge. Amen.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Prayer: I praise you for binding me to others

Lord, I praise you for having bound me with humanity in a great unity of life so that each of us must lean on the strength of others. I depend upon the help and work of brothers and sisters for my comfort and safety. I ask for your blessing on all the men and women who have toiled to build and warm my home, to fashion my clothing, and to gain from the sea and land the food that nourishes me. I pray that they may have health and joy. I pray that they have hope and love. I pray such things for my family and me, so I pray such things for them as well. Grant me wisdom to deal justly with every man and woman whom I face in the business of life. Help me not to inflict suffering through selfish indifference or willful ignorance of a callous heart, even if unknowingly. Amen.[1]

[1] Based upon  --Walter Rauschenbusch, The Communion of Saints, ed. Horton Davies (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans Publishing, 1990), 121-22.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Prayer: You search for me

Lord, you search after me when I have gone far from you. Yet, I confess that my own affairs consume me. I seldom pause to listen for the wind in the trees or hear the happy voices of children. Sometimes, I feel that the burdens of the world fall entirely on my shoulders, and I have been slow to put my trust in you or to cooperate with others. When I take myself too seriously, remind me that I am only human. Make me patient with my mistakes, even as I am willing to forgive others. Remind me that I am also precious, not because I am good but because you have accepted me and called me to be part of your people on this earth. Amen.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Prayer: In mystery and silence you are present in my life

Lord, in mystery and silence you are present in my life. I ask you to bring new life out of destruction, hope out of despair, and growth out of difficulty. I thank you that you do not leave me alone. Rather, you work to make me whole. Help me to perceive your unseen hand in the unfolding of my life. Help me to attend to the gentle guidance of your Spirit. In such ways, I will know the joy you give to my life as one of your people. Amen.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Prayer: You see through my pretenses

Lord, you see through all my pretenses to that silent, secret space where my true spirit sojourns. I ask you to prune away the deceits that mask my best intentions and all those quick defenses that disguise who I really am. Open me to you and to all who touch the truth of my being, so that all persons may see the integrity of a life given over to you, now and forever. Amen.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Prayer: I confess I have been less than you called me to be

Lord, you are merciful. I confess that in attitude and action, I have been less than you created and called me to be.

  • I have forgotten your blessings toward me and in so doing I have failed to bless others.
  • I have taken for granted the limitless depth of your love and forgiveness, and in so doing, I have withheld love and forgiveness from others.
  • In my misguided efforts to maintain control, I have clung to bitterness, hurt, anger and disappointment, rather than letting go in faith and trust, releasing myself to the healing and cleansing power of your Spirit.

Forgive me, I pray. Forgive me for my willingness to settle for so much less than you desire to give me and to do in me. Restore me to right relationship with you and with others, for the sake of you Son, my Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Prayer: I come before you with a troubled heart

Lord, you are Lord of all. I come before you with a troubled heart.

  • I regret that I often give lip service to what I believe, speaking of my beliefs only when it is convenient and non-threatening.
  • I admit that though I profess tolerance, I do nothing to enhance the lives of those whom others simply do not tolerate.
  • I profess open-minded and fair thinking and acting, yet I admit that I quickly interrupt and take sides before I have even heard both sides of an argument or issue.
  • I pride myself on church attendance, and hesitate to be the church in my daily life.
  • I say I am willing to try new ways of worship, and I quickly complain that things are not as they used to be.
  • I quickly volunteer to help with a church project, but withdraw my commitment when something better comes along.
  • I stand for tolerance, and then refuse to give respect to one who disagrees with my theology, politics, or moral standards.

I come before you today and confess those things that trouble my mind and heart. You are gracious, so much so that sometimes I wonder how you can tolerate me. I am grateful for the good news that I have new life in Christ, that true confession can lift the burden of a troubled mind and heart, and that I receive your forgiveness offered in the cross. Amen.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Prayer: Help me let go of the past

Lord, as I enter this time of prayer, I ask that you help me to let go of what is past. Release me from anger, resentment, and hurt of days gone by. Free me from bitterness and help me to fill this space with the love of Christ. I offer my gratitude for your gifts.

  • For the gift of love, I offer thanks.
  • For those people in my life who love me unconditionally, I offer thanks.
  • For those who provide a safe place in the shelter of their unselfish love, I offer thanks.
  • For those who give, expecting nothing in return, I offer thanks.
  • For those who inspire me to raise to my best self, I offer thanks.
  • For those who have helped me to put the pieces of my life back together when it seemed like circumstances or my choices have shattered my hopes and dreams, I offer thanks.

I honor the past and look forward to the future with hope so that the fires of hatred in this world transform into flames of love through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Prayer: You know I have sinned

Lord, you know I have sinned. You know I have hurt others, I have been unkind, and I have had times when I think only of myself. You have given me such grace and mercy. Help me to extend the same to my brothers and sisters. Free me from holding grudges, from gossip, and from passing judgment. Help me never to pour shame upon another. Rather, help me to show love and peace. Help me to walk with others toward forgiveness and restoration. Thank you for the beauty you will bring to my relationships because together, we have sought your healing. We belong to you, Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Prayer: You have been so generous with your love

Lord, you have been so generous with your love toward me. I come to you in gratitude for your love, which is always present to me. In the stillness of this moment, I remember with thanksgiving the times in my life when your love enabled me to rise to my better self. I thank you for the gift of your Son, who came that I might know what perfect love looks like. Breathe in me new life, instilling me with enthusiasm for the opportunities I have to begin again. Empowered by your love for me, help me to unite with all of life in the example of Jesus, who is Lord of my life. Help me to be intentional in the way I interact with others so that no one can doubt whom I serve. Help me to be patient and gracious with myself when I give them good reason to doubt. Amen.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Prayer: Teach me to deal with others the way you have dealt with me

Lord, teach me to deal with others the way you have dealt with me. Forgiveness is not easy for me. I find it easier to nurture my wounds, dwell upon my hurt, and focus upon the injustices I have endured. I admit that I have gnawing resentments and memories of old offenses. You have forgiven me, so help me to forgive others. You have welcomed me, despite my offenses, so help me to welcome others. You have loved me, despite my faults, so help me to love my sisters and brothers in Christ. Amen.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Prayer: You have shown grace in the changing phases of my journey

Lord, you have shown your grace. I come to this place of prayer, recognizing that I have come to you at so many different stages in the journey that is my life. I have struggled with doubt and loss as I question your presence in the midst of my pain and the pain of those I love. Thank you for the patience to let your love seep into the broken places of my life. I have come to you with uncertainties about what I believe, what you want me to do with my life and how I might serve you. Thank you for helping me to honestly doubt, so that the question of faith and servanthood might have an honest answer rather than an apathetically accepted one. I have come before you with a joy that knows no bounds in the celebration of love and the fulfillment of dreams. Thank you that you have given me the grace to share the joy with others. I have come to you in my life from a variety of pathways. Yet, I can see that each path is part of the same journey to be part of your people. Your people have a mission to bring your love to the world through the one whom we strive to follow, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Prayer: You have made your love clear

Lord, you have made your love for me so clear. Yet, I confess that I have not loved others as you have commanded me to do. I have done wrong to my neighbor. I delight in pointing out the faults of others. I have ignored your law of love and devised my own law instead. I have not recognized your presence when two or more have gathered in your name. Have mercy upon me. Awaken my heart to your love in such a way that it will kindle in me love for others. Help me to know the fulfillment of your law of love in my life. Amen.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Prayer: Sometimes I find it difficult to know holy places

Lord, sometimes I find it difficult to know holy places and holy times, even when I am in the midst of them. On occasion, I long for a spectacular and unambiguous showing of your grace, something like a burning bush (Exodus 3:1-15). Yet, what I know I need and what my heart longs for is that your Spirit set my heart ablaze instead. On occasion, I long for the sound of your clear and unmistakable voice. Yet, what I truly long for is that your voice ring clear through my words, through the words of others, and through the matters on which I ponder. I want to know who you are. “I am” is the mystery of your name: “I am who I am,” “I cause to be,” “I am there for you.” Such mystery allows you to address the deepest needs of my heart. If my mind and heart are open, this place and this moment in which I now pray is holy. Thank you. Amen.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Prayer: Help me to greet you when you show up in an unexpected way

Lord Jesus, you have come to humanity as the Jewish Messiah, the anointed one of God of Israel. The promise of a Jewish Messiah has become the hope for humanity. You are the power and love of God present to us. You have come to humanity as the Son of God, the actual presence of God with us. Today and every day, help me to greet you when your constant presence shows up in a surprising and unexpected moment in my life.  Enable me to lay aside my preconceptions of you. Enable me to meet you as you are rather than who I would have you to be. Help me to follow you, to walk with you where you lead, to love you as you are, and to be the disciple whom you would have me to be. Amen.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Jesus, what was it like to walk with you when you on earth?

Jesus, what was it like to walk with you when you were on earth? Would I have believed in you if I had seen you and heard your voice? I am so grateful for your word, which tells me the stories of your life, death, and resurrection. Your words challenge me. Your call to love the neighbor, regardless of how unlovable he or she may be, to love the enemy, and to love the least, continue to challenge and motivate me. Move me away from my selfishness and toward the selfless giving that defined your life. I ask you never to let me become complacent in my salvation or wary of giving my life fully to you. You gave your all for me. I give all back to you. Thank you so much, Jesus. I love you. Amen.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I pray for your family, the Jews

Lord Jesus, I pray for your family, the Jews. Preserve them from the prejudice and persecution of the church, the mosque and the secular governments of the world. Forgive humanity our sins against your people in the past. In particular, however, enable the church to honor them today by advocating for them, to stand by and with them, and to fight fiercely against all forms of sin against them. Help me as a person of faith in Christ to give thanks that Israel taught us to look for and to expect a messiah. Help me, in every aspect of my life, to be faithful to your love, not only believing in you as the promised Messiah for humanity, but also following you as my Lord and Savior. Amen.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Prayer: I ask that you align my heart with your heart

Lord, you are loving and merciful. In this quiet moment, I ask that you align my heart with your heart, so that I will submit to your will in all things. I do not understand so much of my life. I have enough fear and doubt that it can keep me from trusting your goodness. However, let me freely release such fears and doubts to you. Help me to come to you with my uncertainty, knowing you have no surprise at such feelings. I come in trust. I ask your Spirit to renew my faith once more. You are God. That is enough. Amen.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Prayer: You call me out of darkness and into your marvelous light

Lord, you call me out of darkness and into your marvelous light. However, I crouch in the shadows, ashamed of the wrong I have done and the good I have neglected to do. I have been a timid disciple, afraid of putting my life on the line for the good of your rule on earth. I conceal my true self from others. I hide behind the delusion of my power and competence. The mask I present to others conceals so much. I allow division and discord to rule in my heart, crowding out your presence. I know discord is not your way. You have shown me, in Christ, that you are a reconciling God. Call me back to you. Equip me for relationships of integrity in my family, church, and world, all of which you love. I acknowledge my need of your love today. Amen.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Prayer: I find it difficult to get into the boat

Lord Jesus, I find it difficult to get into the boat of life and set out across the dangerous seas of life when I am in the boat (Matthew 14:22-33). I can feel battered by the waves. I feel the wind against me. I wonder if you will reach me in time. Yet, you also want me to get out of the boat! You want me to walk toward you, ignoring the wind that makes sailing through life so difficult. You call me to trust that you will not let the waves swallow me into the depths. Yet, I find myself resisting. I want to stay behind. I have more fear than I do faith. Yet, help me to remember that when life gets difficult and the storms of life rage, you can fill me with the confidence that you come to me in the middle of the storm. Help me to remember that you will reach me in time. In the presence of death, grief, illness, despair, the waves crashing against the boat, and even my sinking into the depths, do not change the assurance that you are with me and for me. Give me patience to wait for you and allow you the time to come on your time rather than my time. Give me a heart that trusts you in all things. Amen.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Prayer: I confess my shortcomings

I want to confess honestly my shortcomings to the God who has love that will never let me go. I too often see others in terms of black and white and allow myself shades of grey. I can so quickly judge others by what they fail to do. I can also quickly give excuses for my actions. I can look askance at how others spend their money. I make allowances for my spending habits. I can so readily hold others to the rules and allow myself the luxury to bend them in order to justify my actions. I can be so eager to hold others accountable to the letter of the law while giving myself a measure of grace. Forgive me. In these moments of stillness, release me from the harshness of my ways and fill me with the love of Christ so much that it will flow outward to others as grace offered to them. I am so grateful for the grace of God that surrounds me and goes before me. I am so grateful that the love of God is stronger than my misdeeds. I receive your forgiveness. I receive this good news and breathe in the forgiving love of God.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Prayer: I am too much like the disciples of Jesus

Lord, you are merciful. I am too much like the disciples of Jesus, who were often shortsighted and smallminded. I focus on problems and needs. I focus on what seems like logical or possible solutions. I am confident you work through such analysis of decisions I must make in my life. Yet, too often, I rely upon my strength and resources and therefore find myself quickly overwhelmed. I forget to turn to you. I fail to depend on your Spirt. Forgive me, Lord. Remind me that your ways are not my ways. All things are possible with you. Renew me in faith and commitment that I might trust you in every situation. Amen.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Give me courage to confront myself honestly

Lord, give me courage to confront myself honestly. Help me to leave pretense behind and get me down to what is real. Help me to act justly with those close to me. Help me to advocate justice for those distant from me. Help me to work toward healing what life has injured. Help me to celebrate the rest you give. Lead me in the narrow way of trust. Accompany me into the awe or ache so deep that I must sort out what matters. I ask that your grace transform me so that I will be confident of your blessing upon my life and become a channel of blessing to others. Amen.