Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 20-26

Daniel Henderson, The Deeper Life, was the one who did the devotions for Men of Integrity Magazine this week. He refers to the longing that some people have that their lives matter or make a difference. How will the world be different because I was here? It made me think of the apostle Paul, for I have been preaching from his writings for a few months. He dedicated himself to Christ, of course, but also to the growth of the church in Gentile communities. The church never became very large until well after his death. Yet, his passion that we also find in his writings continue to inspire and nourish. In that way, as the devotional stressed, he outlived his life.

This week, my focus has been sketching March Sermons. I have also been revising the sketch I made for November and December sermons. I had a good time with the youth group last Sunday. We discussed the theme that Christ needs to define who we are in all the roles we play. I had some good meetings this week, including Staff meeting and Nominations. Good study with Triple S on John 2. We had some persons at Woodbridge Nursing Home and Memorial Hospital, and some good talks with them. The Acts study, on Chapter 13, was good, as always. Nice to have a new member of the study. A member of the church is working on the lights in the parking lot that are not working. Making some needed changes. I was able to make two of the Upward Soccer practices. I was on my way to the Choir, but ended up talking with two people and a little more with Upward. Had a good meeting with the Logansport Cluster group: Tom Henderson is new, Dean Fager, Damon Soper, all at BWW. 

In other news, Suzanne and I went to McAlisters in Kokomo. We also saw the movie, Maze Runner. I liked it. Sci-fi, to some degree, envisioning a dark future for humanity. It set itself for a sequel.

Physical exercise has continued, at least, as much as my injuries have allowed. Mostly, I have been doing yoga and total gym. I have gone to Anytime Fitness for some cardio. I tried running, which I have not done since the mini-marathon in May. Plantar flacitis is the problem. I went five miles yesterday, and hurt today. Running may be a thing of the past. I may need to learn to fast walk.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Vacation Story

So, we were about three days into a two-week vacation. We were staying at a hotel on the north side of Indianapolis. I had a brief tennis date with a clergy colleague, Jerry Rairdon. We had discussed our love for tennis before, but this was the first time we were to play. We were just warming up on the court. I went back to hit the ball, planted my right foot, and suddenly, my feet went straight backward out from under me, to the point where I landed face first on the court. [This was how I discovered the court had unnoticed dampness.] I had no sensation of falling. One moment, planting my right foot to hit the ball, and next moment on my face. In addition, I heard a crunch. I lifted up my head and saw the blood on the court. The first thought I had was, “OK, so this is how my life ends.” However, after getting up, Jerry got a concerned look on his face as he looked at my forehead. [I would be getting many concerned looks at my forehead over the next couple weeks.] He said I would need stitches. I drove back to his house. He would drive to IU North emergency room.

            It had been a while since I played tennis seriously. When I am in that mode, I go around the court to check for stones and other objects that might affect us having a true bounce. Had I done this, I would have noticed the dampness.

            In any case, I want to say that I experienced much love that day. Jerry was wonderful, getting my wife to get my car. The personnel at the emergency room seemed to have a sense of humor. I am not sure if that is part of the training, but if so, it worked. Dr. Rose was so young, looking like he was just out of college. He was also on crutches. I do not recall most of the humor. Of course, I had an MRI, the first I have had in my life. An hour later, he came back to let me know that contrary to what any else might say, I do have a brain. Of course, his joke let me know that everything was OK. No cracked bones anywhere. He said that given what I described, it could have been so much worse. “I would take what you have any day.” I received twelve stitches on my forehead and one at the top of my nose. I had no injuries below the waste. I landed in a way that hurt both arms and my right shoulder. I continued with as much of my yoga as I could. When I got home, I have worked on my total gym as much as my injuries allow. It is all getting better. It still hurts. Sometimes, I still have a sharp pain.

            The next day, Suzanne and I were on our way to Shelbyville, TN. She wanted me to go with her for many years. I had no resistance. We simply had other priorities. However, this was the year. The reason was that for a week and a half before Labor Day the Celebration occurs, a Walking Horse competition that crowns the national grand champion. For those who know Suzanne, she has a general love of horses, and especially the Tennessee Walker. I learned the Roy Rogers horse, trigger, as well the first horse of the Lone Ranger, Silver, and the horse of Gene Autry, champ. In any case, we had wonderful time. It was less attended than she remembers, mostly due to what the locals referred to as interference from the FDA, but I will not get into that. Apparently, there were some issues with how people trained their walkers. Most admit that. However, it has now gotten into some corruption, paying off federal officials to disqualify competing horses, and so on. At least, that was the story on the ground. In any case, we met some wonderful people. I have gone on trail rides before and enjoyed them. I have admired horses. Of course, not as devoted as Suzanne, but I find myself impressed with their beauty and strength. I rode some while at Vincennes Community United Methodist Church. Some people who knew this part of our vacation wondered if I would enjoy it. I love to learn, and learned much about Tennessee Walking Horses. Their uniqueness is that their gate involves three feet on the ground at all times. It makes the legs look very busy, while the rider hardly moves. We had a thoroughly enjoyable and relaxing time. I had a chance to tell my tennis story several times. I would say that I experienced much love and care.

            The next part of our vacation involved the north side of Indy. Thankfully, it was less eventful than was the first part. I was able to do some study, which I enjoy doing at any time. I focused on a study I have done that involves a chronological study of the Bible. I also continued my reading a biography of James Monroe by Harry Ammon. Suzanne rested. Together, we found several places that had live entertainment. In particular, we enjoyed Daddy Jacks.

            I know it may seem a little strange, but this was one of the most relaxing vacations I have had in a long time. Suzanne and I needed the time away. It gave us much time to discuss matters going on now and some hopes and dreams for the future.