Monday, November 9, 2015

Republican Debate November 2015 on Fox Business Network

The purpose of this blog is to allow the potential reader to ponder the field of Republican candidates. I have been collecting some thoughtful articles that I hope will prove helpful. I have stayed away from what I thought of as polemical arguments. The order of discussion of the candidates is the in order in which I have my preferences today. I like the diversity represented in this field of candidates. The order reflects that appreciation. This field is diverse, and the "best" person will win, but I hope the best will also be Hispanic, Black, Indian, or female. I hope any potential reader will take a few moments to reflect.

Donald Trump has changed the equation dramatically. His focus on immigration has brought the frustration with this issue to the fore. I see many people in both parties very concerned about the favors granted to illegal immigrants vs. citizens. Many people also do not want their illegal behavior rewarded while those who go through the process legally get pushed to the back of the line. Of course, Trump also gives the impression that he will get things done. I recall a similar attraction to Ross Perot in the 1992 election. However, I also sense an emotional connection with his energy, excitement, grandiose claims, and even his anger. I understand the frustration many conservatives have with the way Washington works. However, divided government is frustrating by nature. The division in Washington reflects the deep divide in the country. "We the people" seem confused as to what we want out of government. As this blog will show again, I am not a Trump fan.

Jay Nordlinger once defined conservativism this way. "I believe that to be a conservative is to be for limited government. Personal freedom. The rule of law. The Constitution, and adherence to it. Federalism. Equality under the law. Equality of opportunity. Relatively light taxation. Relatively light regulation. Free enterprise. Property rights. Free trade. Civil society. The right to work. A strong defense. National security. National sovereignty. Human rights. A sound, non-flaky educational curriculum. School choice. A sensible stewardship over the land, as opposed to extreme environmentalism. Pluralism. Colorblindness. Toleration. E pluribus unum. Patriotism. Our Judeo-Christian heritage. Western civilization. I want to throw in, too, the right to life."

Read more at:
I became a political conservative in my mid-20s, after reading people like George Will, William F. Buckley, and Milton Friedman. Arthur Brooks wrote a book that explores the moral case for conservatism, and Gabriella Hoffman summarizes the ideas. Among the major issues in the Republican Party is the difference between people who might call themselves "movement" conservatives, like the TEA Party, Hannity, and Limbaugh, and the "Establishment" Republicans, such as George Will and Charles Krauthammer. Matt Lewis has offered an excellent analysis, using the quick change in the views that movement conservatives have of Paul Ryan and Donald Trump as examples. The issue he raises is that the division is "us vs. them" and not "liberal vs conservative." I was struck in a recent radio broadcast that Rush Limbaugh claimed not to know how Jeb differs from Obama. I think he is way off on this. In fact, both Rush and Hannity have gone the direction of claiming that establishment Republicans are liberals. The reason is the immigration issue. However, to focus on one issue in a matter like this is unreasonable. Some Republicans would like a more assertive (aggressive) stance in relation to the Democrat Party, to the point of closing down the government. Others think that would be a disaster. This is a matter of strategy. It is also a matter of frustration that grass roots conservatives, who have had some successes, but who also see little results in Washington. My point is that while conservatives may differ over strategy, conservatives ought not to write each other out of the conservative approach to the government over such matters.

Before I begin, a few authors have explored some general issues in the campaign. For example, Helen Raleigh explains why the Asian vote typically goes Democrat and how Republicans might change this. For another example, we can take the matter of Iraq and its continuing influence on the campaign. Steve Chapman explores the hesitancy of Republican candidates to deal with Iraq. If you look at the comments section, you should see one from me. Charles Krauthammer has his reaction to the question of a hypothetical here.

Of course, we have some analysis of the horse race. In November 2015, Chris Cilizza offers an interesting ranking of his predictions as to who will win, ending with Marco. Charles Krauthammer offers a betting approach to both Republicans and Democrats, giving Marco and Hillary 3-1 odds, and Republicans a 55-45 advantage to win. Thomas Sowell considers the candidates as of August 2015.

Of course, the debate scheme is difficult. My puzzlement has been the focus upon national polls rather than the polls in IA and NH, where the candidates have naturally been spending their time.

The CNBC debate in October 2015 raised another issue. I suppose I think of moderators of the debate as in the background, the candidates in the foreground. The point is to ask questions that bring out what candidates believe and how they respond to the issues of the day. It was clear CNBC had a different view. The CNN debate had a different view as well. The agenda seemed in both cases to ridicule the candidates and bring them down. In general, to have any of the non-FOX news outlets moderate a debate is like putting the fate of the discussion into the hands of the biggest superpack the Democrat Party has. What is interesting is that the Democrat Party is getting by with not having a debate on FOX News. So, Republicans are put to the fate of their debates into the hands of the opposition, while the Democrats get by with not one debate in a venue they view as the opposition. In reality, the liberal commentators on FOX News challenge their party to do so as well. All of this makes one wonder if the Republican Party should not simply run the debate, choose the moderators, and allow news outlets to broadcast if they choose. Make it a newsworthy event for the 24 hour news cycle. My point is that these debates, while of interest to many, are actually for those who will vote in the Republican primaries. I should also say that the candidates need to stop talking about how bad the moderators were. They responded well. They responded together. It was good moment for the candidates. Time to move on.

As we have progressed in the political season, but judgments are coming increasingly from what I understand them to say and from a sense of their ability to win against Hillary.

Marco Rubio
He presents his position on the issues on his web site. I like the idea of a Cuban-American becoming President, but my primary concern is the issues. After the Simi, California debate, which focused on foreign policy, I must say that he communicates the vision well. Even where I might disagree, I have respect. I remain convinced after the CNBC debate.

Whenever I hear him speak, I am impressed. He has what some of us might call a conservative vision of what American can be. For me, this is primary. He seems willing to engage the battle. Nicholas Riccardi of the AP has provided a relatively balanced review of the Rubio tax plan. Star Parker shares her early sense that Rubio may have that Reagan touch. She also writes about how his understanding of "black lives matter" is on target.

The New York Times provided some levity. They must think he is dangerous from the perspective of their liberal bias. They ran stories that he had two driving violations in 20 years and that he had a "luxury speed boat." My understanding is that for many who live in Miami, the driving violation should earn him an award for best driver. You can find a picture of the boat. Ramesh Ponnuru digs into the supposed bad decisions regarding personal finances and thinks that he is like most Americans. Michelle Ye Hee Lee says the accusations concerning use of the Republican Party charge card in Florida that it is much ado about nothing.

Albert Hunt has written an interesting article on the possibility of Republicans needing to make a choice between Marco and Cruz. I think that would be very interesting. I agree with him that both Trump and Carson will fade, although for quite different reasons. Trump will fade when people get tired of his bluster (I will do the best, it will be the greatest, etc.) Carson will fade because his lack of political experience will undermine this fine, exemplary man. Jonathan Bernstein thinks that Marco is now in November 2015 the most likely nominee. However, to read this article is also to read of his failure to predict well. In some ways, the article is humorous. Was he smiling ironically as he wrote it?

Ted Cruz
He has a news portion on his web site. Of course, his Hispanic background is attractive. He has said many things I like. He is an intelligent man. He can make a sound argument. I do not like the fact that when he has staked out a position in the Senate, only one or two others join him. He sounds too much like a preacher for me. Byron York, after Steve Deace of Iowa endorsed him, examines the increase in support for Cruz since the debate. George Will describes his election strategy of energizing conservatives to come to the polls, a strategy Obama perfected. My assessment is that such a strategy obviously can work of the messenger is right. Reagan had a similar strategy. I do not think Cruz is the right messenger. Jennifer Rubin offers six reasons Cruz has a difficult path to the nomination.

Carly Fiorino
I have appreciated her every time I see her. However, she is not catching on with the people in the early primary states. I must listen to that.

She does not have an issues page, but you can "meet" her. She was a powerful force in the Simi, California debate. She was part of a private sector CIA team after 9/11/2001, and it showed.

When I hear her, I like what she says. She has persistence about her. I would be happy for her to be the first female President. She has integrated her faith journey into her presentation of herself in a powerful way.

She offered a speech on the rise of China in August 2015.

Debra J. Sanders discusses some of the things excite her about this candidate. However, the layoffs at Hewlitt-Packard and the failure to pay off campaign debt promptly are problems with her. Alex Smith discusses the contrast between this candidate and Hillary Clinton.

Jackie Gingrich Cushman explains why she crushed the debate - optimistic, knowledgeable, and articulating the difference between progressive and conservative. She compares her to - Margaret Thatcher!

Mona Charen offers her reasons for thinking that a Rubio/Fiorino or the reverse would be a winning ticket for Republicans, but wonders if America is willing to give a serious examination, given the fascination with Trump. In contrast, John Hawkins makes it clear that her experience at Hewlitt-Packard, her failure in her Senate campaign, and her past positions, do not commend her. Steve Chapman analyzes her time at H-P and her debate performance and draws a negative conclusion. Rich Lowry argues that feminists should fear Carly.

Ben Carson
He offers his position on issues on his web site. I like the way he weaves his faith story into his presentation of himself. Having a black president who is actually successful would be wonderful. However, I share the concern about his readiness. I wish he would have run for Senator, for example. He did nothing to help himself in the Simi, California debate. He needs to demonstrate knowledge on the enemies that confront the USA today. He did not have a breakthrough moment, and he needs one every debate. The CNBC debate did not help him either. As much as I like him, he is not finding a way to demonstrate his knowledge of the issues. Politicians learn to do that. William Kristol offers an interesting reconsideration of Carson and his experience. Worth reading. In contrast, Jonah Goldberg says it is too late for him to get up to speed on foreign policy and terrorism, which is a concern rising after the Paris attacks in November 2015.

Star Parker writes about the power of the personal story of this candidate. Joy Overbeck offers the same through the eyes of his mother. A blogger wanted to like him, but points to a blunder in Iowa to say that he is not ready for prime time. Justin Haskins also has a concern for his readiness for the presidency, but thinks the vice-presidency would be a possibility. Arthur Schaper has a similar concern, noting public utterances he has had to retract or for which he made apology. Rich Lowry writes positively of his non-political alternative to Trump. Michelle Malkin writes of his wife. Debra J. Saunders thinks he stills needs to show he has the executive experience necessary, but she has other positive things about him. It makes sense that as he rose in the polls his opponents would attack his personal story. Politico in November released questions regarding connections with West Point. David French briefly offers that the Politico lied. Rush Limbaugh has offered a strong defense of Carson. One transcript refers to the Politico article as a lie. Another transcript broadens his attack to say that the mainstream media, which has become the communication arm of the Hillary campaign, has a coordinated attack upon Carson. The fact is, I think, Progressives cannot let stand a conservative Black candidate, witness the hit job on Herman Cain in 2012, which were also fabrications.

He offers his plan to defeat ISIS, as of November 20, 2015.

A few press-generated issues come to mind. I think one of the worst things one can be, according to the MSM, is a devout Christian. The puzzling thing here is that Christians, especially evangelical-conservative-orthodox Christians, have been very tolerant, given the rapid movement of culture away from its values. The antagonism against Christianity and its values has its match in the lack of concern for the rise of Islam. For me, all of this is puzzling. The second worst thing one can be is a politically conservative black man. Dr. Ben Carson combines both. He has a target on his back. Thus, some in the Press have taken things Carson has said and twisted them to mean something Carson would never say. As Carson has said, this is why many Americans do not trust the "mainstream" media represented by CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, and Washington Post. This represents strong opposition, but when one adds much of Academia and much of Hollywood, it becomes imposing. Among the easiest things to do is twist words. Here are a few examples. Star Parker defends what Dr. Carson said about not promoting a Muslim for President and expecting any Muslim running for office needing to renounce Sharia Law. Wesley Pruden defends his statement as well. David Limbaugh defends what he said about the Oregon school shooting. Ron Fournier, an example of the lack of trustworthiness in listening to Carson, makes his objection to what Carson says about government and guns. Thomas Sowell offers his reflections on the attacks on his autobiography from the Press and from Trump. Brent Bozell has written a book on the lies contained in the autobiographies that Obama wrote. The link is to an excerpt from the book. The positive is that it shows the little interest media had in Obama lying, contrasting to the misunderstanding 14-year old Carson may have had about West Point. Of course, the deeper issue here is that when you read the Politico story, it fabricates its own data to suggest things that were simply not true in order to destroy a black candidate. In contrast, it showed no interest in actual lies of the liberal. This is not anything new, but it is frustrating.

John Kasich
I have long liked him and followed his work in Congress as well as Governor. He would find ways to get things done and work across the aisle. However, right now, many Republicans do not seem interested in that. I like the way he has integrated his faith journey into his presentation of himself. His performance in the Simi, California debate was disappointing. He has not done well in the debates. In October, he said things that have not helped him. He is someone who does not seem to campaign well at the national level. His off the cuff statements about his competitors do not wear well.

A Newsweek interview in the Jewish World Review offers some background. Margaret Carlson promotes this candidate on the basis of his record, but also points out that he is not pure enough for some conservatives. David Shribman says this is his moment. Albert Hunt likes John Kaisch, contrasting his Ohio popularity with the other unpopular governors on this list.

Jeb Bush
He offers news and positions on issues on his web site. I like much about him. I have not been a Bush fan, although I think they are wonderful people and desire to serve the nation they love. George H. W. gave us Bill Clinton, and George W. gave us Iraq and Barak Obama. It also simply looks like he does not really want the job. I saw this recently when Jeb, following Hillary as a speaker, listened to Hillary attack him, and he simply got up and gave his prepared speech. Byron York addresses this incident. In October 2015, he had a reaction to Donald Trump that makes Debra J. Saunders think he is not suitable for President. In October, he has made some silly statements against Rubio and Trump. My own suggestion is that Jeb just keep at it, be himself, and let the chips fall. My concern is that the Republican Party does not need to go the Bush route again. George H. W. gave us Clinton and George W. gave us Iraq and Obama. Republicans need to go another direction.

Guy Benson writes about the relationship between Jeb and George W. William Kristol says that George W. was right on several matters.  Jonah Goldberg is surprised that a family with so much institutional knowledge of how to run for President seems to have so many mistakes at the beginning of this campaign. Erick Erickson discusses some of the problems he has. Debra Saunders has a positive reflection on the energy of Jeb Bush. Kathleen Parker discusses Alzheimer costs to the government and the plan of Jeb to deal with it.

Larry Kudlow thinks that he is right that the economy can grow at 4%. One author suggests that Jeb is more conservative than others think.

Jeb seemed to have a misstep in his response to a question from Megyn Kelly about whether what he knew now would he have done the same thing that George W. did in Iraq. David Harsanyi connects this interest with the vote by Hillary Clinton for the war.

Chris Christie
I like his combative style. I like his willingness to tackle entitlements.

Rand Paul
Not surprisingly, you can quickly access his stance on issues. His libertarian leaning is well-known, and I like it. His stance on the military is a little too far for me. I wish other Republican candidates shared some of his hesitancy to use military force.

Brian Darling explores the challenge he brings to the Republican Party, apparently thinking other Republicans favor a "shoot first, ask questions later" foreign policy and are they do not tell the truth about the Bush/Obama NSA spying program. Of course, the way I have worded this, I disagree, but the article is worth reading. Stephen Moore helped put together his tax plan and offers an explanation that it is "flat and fair."

Bobby Jindal
He has a newsroom that discusses issues as they arise.

I have long liked this candidate. His parents were from India. He provides a fresh look for the Party. He also presents conservative ideas in a fresh and interesting way. My problem with him is that at critical moments, he seems to under-perform. His promise does not coincide with reality.

Stuart Rothenberg offers an initial assessment of why no one should underestimate him. Stephanie Grace discusses the low approval he has in Louisiana and the budget deficit. Arthur Schaper has an interesting article on why one should not count him out yet. Jeff Jacoby says that Jindal is particularly good at emphasizing the importance of being American, rather than a hyphenated American.

Jeff Crouere, after Jindal made personal comments against Trump, analyzed the eight years of Jindal as governor. It does not look good.

The rest are people that I hope and trust do not get the nomination. Here is my "Please No" list.

Mike Huckabee
Do not ask why. I think he seems like a fine person and good TV host, but President? No.

Steve Chapman thinks that since 2008 this candidate has done things to narrow his appeal rather than broaden it. George Will has concerns related to the way he understands God in politics. David French argues that a loss by this candidate will be a victory for cultural conservatives. Jonah Goldberg offers his analysis of the progressive nature of the Huckabee campaign. Todd Starnes thinks he is a man of conviction as he stands for traditional marriage and has concerns over what the Supreme Court will do regarding legalizing gay marriage. Jonah Goldberg does want to defend this candidate, but he did not compare Obama to Hitler.

Lindsay Graham
Daniel Doherty considers him a longshot candidate. Paul Greenberg does not think he has a chance, but he likes him, especially on national defense and on reform of entitlements.

Rick Santorum
George Will makes it clear that he thinks this candidate is silly for even considering a run for the presidency again. Agreed.

Jim Gilmore

George Pataki

Donald Trump
People puzzle over the attraction of Trump to so many likely Republican primary voters. I confess my puzzlement.

I get the frustration with politicians. Rush Limbaugh says that Trump has tapped into the mistrust that many in the Republican base feel toward the inside the beltway Republicans. In my reading of conservative literature, I would agree that many feel frustrated. Yet, as Republicans attempt to follow the constitution, where the President does not, there are limits to what they can do, even with majorities in both Houses. My further concern, that Rush does not share, is that Trump will damage conservative ideas by his attacks on conservative and liberal ideas. He is charting his own course, and it is not the conservative ideas that Rush, Bill Buckley, George Will, and Ronald Reagan fought for. I keep having this suspicion that his real objective is the election of Hillary. For me, it is enough that George Will has spoken on this matter. Please read this article if you are still leaning this way. Russell Moore makes it clear that it is time for Christians to stand up against Trump, given his December proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the USA temporarily. Jennifer Rubin highlights the statement made by Paul Ryan against Trump. I like that these articles do not get into inflaming rhetoric of fascism and bigotry, both terms liberals throw around to every conservative. Violence against Trump could be the result. My belief is that once people start voting Trump will fade and we will get to the serious part of the campaign. To go to the extreme to make a point, if the best these parties can do is Trump and a woman who destroyed the lives of women her husband sexually abused to preserve her political future, it might be time to find another country in which to live. Charles Krauthammer has expressed well the problem with banning all Muslims from entering the USA.

He will not be the nominee. Jeff Jacoby shares why, beginning with the idea that it says many good things about the Republican Party that most Republicans have a negative view of him. William Kristol is also against Trump, but pauses to listen to what attracts people to him. Joseph Curl thinks that he is actually a Democrat plant, given his donations to the Democrat Party. Jonah Goldberg says he is a bad deal for the Party. In raising the issue of illegal immigration. He just did OK in the Simi, California debate.  Judd Legum suggests that an essay written in the 1950s by Roland Barthes, a French philosopher, helps us understand the appeal of Trump by appealing to the difference between wrestling and boxing. It reads like someone who does not want to understand the complex reasons people support Trump.

Of course, he has raised the matter of illegal immigration. Terry Jeffrey says that 41.7% of the federal criminal cases are in the five districts across from Mexico. Linda Chavez takes a strong stance against what Trump says about illegal immigrants, but I have a few comments for her. S. E. Cupp discusses what Trump is doing right in July 2015, as he speaks in a fresh way. Eric Erickson discusses the nervousness that the political field has with the way Trump is getting so much attention in July 2015. Mona Charen shares some statistics regarding crime and illegal immigration, encouraging a calm conversation that Trump has precluded. Family Security Matters offers further statistics that would contradict Mona Charen and support Trump. I confess that the statistics I have seen are confusing. Thomas Sowell discusses his problems with Trump while discussing immigration.  The Corner in the National Review offers a brief description of the immigration plan he offered in August 2015, which is largely the plan of Jeff Sessions. Ann Coulter explains why Trump is right concerning the interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Linda Chavez focuses on birthright citizenship and defends it. Michael Barone offers a discussion of the 14th amendment and supports the idea of birthright citizenship. Mona Charen joins the ranks of this view of the 14th amendment. Charles Krauthammer takes on the immigration matter and supports the idea of birthright citizenship. Michael Reagan thinks it time to take on Trump. George Will thinks the immigration plan could spell doom for the Republican Party. He also thinks that Trump will damage the Republican Party amidst minority voters and offers statistics to show why this is so dangerous. Helen Raleigh points to the Know-Nothing Party as a parallel, focusing on immigration.

Larry Kudlow discusses whether Donald Trump is a supply-side person on taxes and spending. He thinks Trump is. Larry Kudlow and Stephen Moore point out that the last protectionist president America had was Republican Herbert Hoover, and that did not go well. The trade policy of Trump seems headed down that path.

Trump said some things in Iowa in November that puzzled many of us. Obviously,  I am not a fan anyway. However, here are a few articles who explore the attacks Trump made against Carson and Iowa voters: Chris Cillizza, Kathleen Parker, and Jennifer Rubin.

 Here are some analyses.  Michael Reagan says that Trump is a fake conservative and a danger to the Republican Party. Alicia Colon, who apparently knows The Donald, thinks he would have been wonderful mayor of NYC, but not a President. Kathleen Parker says one should not dismiss Trump, and offers her reasons. David Limbaugh wonders if Trump will awaken the "sleeping giant." Angelo Codevilla has some very good comments about the rise of Trump.  After the Cleveland debate, George Will, whose wife works for the Scott Walker campaign, wrote that Trump is a counterfeit conservative. Will continues his probing in a September 2015 article.  S. E. Cupp describes the Trump voter as not part of the base conservative (who thinks of Jeb Bush as establishment, purist) but rather disaffected moderates and even some on the Left. She points to some voters who say that if Bernie Sanders does not make it through the primaries, they are going for Trump. Dana Milbank writes of South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley talking back to Trump. Nate Silver says we should not compare Trump and Sanders, and offers his reasons.  Paul Greenberg refers to Trump as in the tradition of the ugly American, Pat Buchannan and the populist know-nothing party. Jeff Jacoby shows how Trump is in favor of expanding "eminent domain," something most conservatives would normally be against.

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