Thursday, February 11, 2016

An App for Lent?

I am thinking of two applications for my iPhone that have helped me change my habits over the past few years. One was an app in which all I had to do was scan the bar code and it told me the nutritional value of the food I was eating. It helped me become aware of what I was eating. It taught me to say no – sometimes. It taught me to think in terms of how well I was treating my body. Another app is the one I use to keep track of my walking progress. Walking or a light jog does much for my mental, spiritual, and physical health.

Your interests may be different. You might want to edit digital photographs. You might like to play Candy Crush or another game. You might want to read the Bible anywhere and anytime.

All you need is an app.

An app, of course, is an application you can have on your phone, tablet, and now, your computer. You can play a game, track investments, and keep appointments.

There is an app for almost anything.

Many of us cannot imagine why so many people are staring at their phones. Well, the variety of apps is why. They allow you to interact with others anywhere and anytime. You can read the news and keep track of your favorite team. In response to this, a pithy message is making the rounds: "Putting your phone away and paying attention to those talking to you? There is an app for that. It's called 'RESPECT.'”

Well, even if smartphones are causing problems, we should not dismiss them. According to The Atlantic magazine (June 2012), apps are now available to transform us into "thinner, richer, all-around-better versions of ourselves.”

Yes, apps can help you lose weight and break a bad habit. You can share the weight-loss journey with others to give you support. You can resist impulse buying.

Can an app break bad habits?

An app called "Habit Maker, Habit Breaker” lets you choose the behavior you would like to target, whether it is controlling your time in front of television or expressing your appreciation.

The slogan of this app: "Change your habits, change your life.”

We are in the season of Lent, a good time to look at the direction of our lives. Do we need to adopt some new, good habits? Do we need to become aware of some bad habits and stop them?

If Jesus could devise an app for us during this season, what might it do?

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