Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 5-11 2014 Reflections

I begin with the reflections in the Men of Integrity magazine, this week focusing on Short-circuit Porn's Power, from the writings of William M. Struthers. The devotions centered around how shows to women and to men the selfishness, domination, and violence that men can do. Yet, failure in this area does not define the man. The key study passage was I Corinthians 6:12-20. I have studied this passage quite deeply for other reasons.

I have continued an exercise program that involves yoga, the total gym, and Anytime Fitness. Care for the body is as important as care for the soul and mind, I think.

I preached from Matthew 21:33-46 around the question of whether Christianity is as simple as learning to be a good tenant. We had communion and we had a different opening of worship in the second service. We are working on the flow of the service. I saw God present in many ways this morning, but in particular, in a person being trained to help with communion in the second service. In addition, in the afternoon, I saw God present in a couple who stepped up to help with Family Fun Day to do the script. The music and the energy of the kids is wonderful. Something around 35 people present, several from outside the church. I see God present in the youth small group as well, as we discussed dreams we have for ourselves and the dreams God has for us.

Throughout the week, I saw God present in preparations for worship, both for Sunday and for sermons in April. Some of this study was at Starbucks. This is always a meaningful time for me.

I did have some difficult conversations this week, not church related. I can only entrust the conversations to those involved and to God.

A wonderful spirit at Triple S as we studied John 4. We usually read a passage and discuss, that went particularly well on Tuesday. Yes, God is present when we honor each other and honor the Word of God.

I felt the presence of God at the Trustees meeting, as people stepped up to help in various areas that needed attention at the church and the parsonage.

God was present on Thursday as a "peer mentoring" group met at Cross~Wind. This group involves pastors who are involved in the Fruitful Congregation process. It was interesting to discuss the single board concept. However, the focus was a discussion of the book, Get Their Name.  The book discusses practical ways to engage in relational evangelism. In particular, when we tell our story of Christ affects our lives, we learn to keep the story current as to how God is at work in our lives lately. We discussed the discipleship pathway as a movement from outside to guest, guest to connected, connected to disciple of Jesus, and disciple to missionary. As an extension of this, I see God present in our cluster clergy meeting at Buffalo Wings. The care the pastors have for their churches and for each other is beautiful to see.

I had an abbreviated time with the choir, but God is certainly present as people put their hearts into singing their faith. Suzanne was with me, and that is always nice. One of the members of the church had fallen in Kokomo and was now in memorial hospital in Logansport. Good discussion and prayer.

In other news, Suzanne and I watched The Equalizer. It was nice to see Denzel Washington in this role. The movie was an origin movie, describing how the equalizer became such. For those too young to remember this, it was a television show that began in 1985. It brought back some good memories.

Lord, I offer this week into your loving hands.

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