Monday, March 20, 2017

10 Types of Toxic People to Avoid

It does not take long in life before most of us realize that hanging around certain people tends to bring us down. We learn the difference between those who inspire us to be better people and those who bring out the worst in us. We slowly realize that this means certain types of people get us in a bad place. Life is too short to stay in relationships like that. I have noticed this trait expanding with Twitter and Facebook. People freely post divisive and hateful things they would never say in person. Sadly, some people are getting that way. They are just as rude in person as they are online. Unless we develop certain internal strengths, we may have to distance ourselves from them as much as we can. We can unfriend and unfollow if the issue is online. Such distancing is more difficult if we are thinking of family, co-workers and neighbors. It would be nice if such people came with a warning label. I came across an article that listed ten toxic types of people to avoid. Such persons have toxic arrogance, victimhood, control, envy, lies, negativity, greed, judgmentalism, gossip, and lack of character. They suggest that if you have such persons in your life, do wait until tomorrow to clear your life of them. If you cannot do that physically, stay as distant and guarded as you can.[1] Considering those with whom you hang out and their effect upon your life is one of the many traits of wisdom.

[1] --Lolly Daskal, "10 toxic people you should avoid like the plague," October 20, 2014. Retrieved October 11, 2016.

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