Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 23-29 2014

            What am I thankful for the week of November 23-29, 2014?
            I am thankful and humbled for the response to the sermon Sunday. It was the conclusion of a series on Getting from Sunday to Monday. This one focused on Opening Yourself to Guidance from God and Am I on the Right Path. We did not leave enough room for notes. However, I hope that having the text available will be helpful. We have also placed the notes in the Newsletter.
            I am thankful for the time spent after worship with Al Kundenreich, a former pastor of one of the predecessor congregations, Market Street. He came to the first worship service. A group met at Westside Diner. He was with Sarah Roos.
            I am thankful for the Thanksgiving dinner that came with the Acts Bible Study this week. Suzanne and I enjoy this group very much. Some good fun.
            Our family had a relaxing dinner at Golden Corral. Yes, they had turkey and all the fixings.

            With a few relaxing days, I spent some time reading what Wolfhart Pannenberg said about Karl Barth in Church Dogmatics. This has been very enlightening. I should say that both authors have been my companion in my theological journey. In particular, Pannenberg has been part of my life since I first encountered him in 1975. Sadly, he died recently. I have also looked up what Paul Ricoeur said about Barth. My, he can be so insightful. He is such a good reader of others. In addition, I wrote an article on Mircea Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane. I also read a little book by Bernard Bosanquet, What Religion Is.
            I have concern for the matter in Ferguson, MO. The successful attempt on the part of some to turn this into a racial matter is disturbing to me. Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted, which says to me that if he did wrong, which I am not convinced he did, it would have been a waste of time and money to pursue further. The fact that there were nine white and three black jurors apparently matters not. The judgment was unanimous. The stealing by Michael Brown, the fact that he tried to get the gun from the officer, the fact that he charged the officer, say to me that he was aggressive and bent on doing harm that night. It does make him a bad person, but he was up to no good that night. Of course, it is always sad when a human being loses his life. What disturbs me more is that so many people are willing to go down this path of racial division. I came across a factual article on why Officer Wilson was not indicted.

            A saying I came across, posted by a friend on Facebook, Do not judge me by past. I do not live there anymore.

Here is an article on what Rick Warren at a family conference sponsored by the Pope.

Here is an article that I found intriguing on the rise of the Dones in church life.

Here is an article on the United Arab Emerits maintaining that CAIR is a terrorist organization.

Here is a humorous account of Obama and his use of executive order recently by SNL.

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