Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Prayer: Give me a heart like Jesus

            Lord, I ask for a heart like that of Jesus. Give me a heart increasingly more ready to minister to others than to have others minister to me. Give me a heart increasingly moved by compassion toward the suffering and struggle of others. Give me a heart for seeing your presence in this world.

            I find it easy to focus upon my needs. Instead, raise my sights toward all those in my community and around the world that need to see the light of Christ through me. I pray for those lacking the basics of human life. I pray for the sick. I pray for prisoners. I pray for soldiers. I pray for those experiencing some form of alienation in our society. I pray for the lonely. I pray for the worried and anxious. I pray for persons living faithful lives in obscurity. I pray for the church here and around the world that faithfully carry out your calling.

            Give me a heart so full of love for Jesus Christ that my love overflows toward others. People will have more openness to hear what I say about Jesus when it comes in a package wrapped in love. I pray that this part of the body of Christ in which I participate may increasingly reflect the love that God has for the world. Grant that if the lines of my life fall upon pleasant places today, I will not become less sensitive to the needs of others. Rather, make me more inclined to help heal the burden they carry. If any adversity comes my way, help me to not brood upon it, as if I am the only person in the world who suffers. Give me the grace of involving myself in compassionate service to others that may need the gifts and graces I have.


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